It's almost July and that means something new is around the corner for me. A few months ago, (with fear and trembling), I put my big girl pants on and approached Gibby's Wine Den in Geneva to inquire about their artist program. I wondered if my artwork would meet their criteria for the monthly "Art by the Glass" program. To my delight and true surprise , they said yes! Mary, the program coordinator, gave me the run-down on what was required. I would need at least ten pieces to exhibit. Yikes! I had several pieces, but they still needed work. She explained that my pieces would be up for most of July and then on the 13th there would be a wine tasting/artist reception. Music, wine, friends....what could be better? I'm so excited (and so nervous). For me, this is really stepping out. Two years ago, I prayed a little prayer that somehow, I would be able to work part-time so that I could be just a little selfis...
Our friendships are never coincidental. They are formed by God, through his love and his knowing exactly what we need, at just the right time. Every friendship is like a petal on a flower. It plays an important role in completing a beautiful picture. Friends are the "petals" that make our lives beautiful. They are the people who bring joy and color to our lives. Allow God to work in you and through you, knowing you are a special "petal" in someone's life.