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Showing posts with the label Grace

Walk to the Well - a Lenten Devotional

It has been a tough winter, hasn't it?  We are more than ready for a new season!  For some of us, it might mean a change in a season in our lives, and that could look like many different things. Maybe it's simply a time to get back to the basics of understanding how deeply loved you are.  To really allow yourself to rest in that and to fully invite God into your journey.  Baby steps, my friend! This post include a devotional to help you take one baby step.  You will enter the story of Jesus' interaction with the woman at the well, and will explore the kindness and grace of God. Be bless on your journey- Re A Walk to the Well Devotional - click here

Rescue me

I was never a good swimmer.  But when I was invited to a friend’s pool party, I begged my mom to go.  The pool looked mammoth to me and all I needed to know was which side was the shallow side.  The safe side. So that’s where I parked myself.  But after a while, I noticed I was the only one at that end of the pool.  The other girls were experienced swimmers and were bouncing around in the deep end. Longing to fit in as much as possible, I was determined to somehow get to the other side. I carefully navigated my way across  by tip toeing on a narrow ledge along the perimeter of the pool.  I used it to make the journey over to the deep end, and I felt pretty satisfied for making it there successfully.  Then my foot slipped.  I felt my body slowly drift just far enough from the edge of the pool where the security of the ledge disappeared.  Suddenly, I had nothing to hold on to that would keep me safely attached to the edge of the pool. ...

When I said yes

When I said yes to God, I had no idea of the path it would take me on.   My heart and the broken places inside of me were a mess, yet I found hope in God and I was “all in.”    I found a God that offered a way through truth.   Truth that I was truly forgiven and fully loved.   Thirty years ago, I said yes, and looking back on the path, I see the inclines that have given me spiritual muscle.   I’ve seen grace and miracles come through pain, growth, beauty and love.    These days, though, I’m tired.   Because I often think that after all this time, I’d have some kind rest, maybe a little coasting.   But just like the physical body, if we stop working it, using it, we die.   Atrophy sets in.   Spiritually, I sometimes feel atrophied.   My spiritual laziness makes me feel even dead at times.   It is a place so easy to get to.   I rest on my own “goodness,” whatever that is.   And that’s the beginning of...