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Showing posts with the label Re Kielar

Something new

It's almost July and that means  something new is around the corner for me.  A few  months ago, (with fear and trembling), I put my big girl pants on and approached Gibby's Wine Den in Geneva to inquire about their artist program.  I wondered if my artwork would meet their criteria for the monthly "Art by the Glass" program.  To my delight and true surprise , they said yes!  Mary, the program coordinator, gave me the run-down on what was required.  I would need at least ten pieces to exhibit. Yikes!  I had several pieces, but they still needed work.  She explained that my pieces would be up for most of July and then on the 13th there would be a wine tasting/artist reception.  Music, wine, friends....what could be better?  I'm so excited (and so nervous).  For me, this is really stepping out.  Two years ago, I prayed a little prayer that somehow, I would be able to work part-time so that I could be just a little selfis...