The painting was really sad. It was supposed to depict a cluster of grapes, but it looked like a diseased raspberry instead. I’m talking about an experience at one of those painting parties, where you follow the instructions of a talented teacher and your great hope is that yours will look as good as hers. Oh, and did I mention they served wine at this party? I think it was supposed to help? Hmmm, not so much. I am not being hard on myself. I am being a realistic critic, and my completed painting really was a mess. I took it home and tucked it in a corner where I would not see it. Face down, out of sight, out of mind. Not too long ago, when I was cleaning my space, I came across it and I cringed. Instead of putting it away again, I did the next best thing. I painted right over it. Yep, covered up the evidence, covered up the mess. I felt relief. Not a single grape existed anywhere on that canvas. With a few quick brush str...
Our friendships are never coincidental. They are formed by God, through his love and his knowing exactly what we need, at just the right time. Every friendship is like a petal on a flower. It plays an important role in completing a beautiful picture. Friends are the "petals" that make our lives beautiful. They are the people who bring joy and color to our lives. Allow God to work in you and through you, knowing you are a special "petal" in someone's life.