An unexpected package mysteriously appeared at my door. It came in the mail, and it was a complete surprise. When I opened it, my heart was profoundly filled. In the package, was a book about slow stitching. Now that probably doesn’t sound like a big deal to you, but it was for me. I had been thinking about slow stitching as something new to try. A practice to help me slow down and use my creativity, too. I told no one about this desire. Yet, the book appeared and when I read who it was from, I wasn’t surprised. A dear friend, who lives across the country sent the book to me. She said something inside of her knew that I needed to have this book. I don’t talk to her very often, but I know we think about each other. Somehow, she seems to have a sixth sense about things, and she had a sense about this book and a sense about me. She didn’t know that I had thoughts about stitching, but God did. And when I saw the book, I was speechless. In my spirit, I was overwhelmed. I don...
Our friendships are never coincidental. They are formed by God, through his love and his knowing exactly what we need, at just the right time. Every friendship is like a petal on a flower. It plays an important role in completing a beautiful picture. Friends are the "petals" that make our lives beautiful. They are the people who bring joy and color to our lives. Allow God to work in you and through you, knowing you are a special "petal" in someone's life.