I thought I was moving along and making great progress with my lessons. I almost felt smug. Suddenly, though, I was staring at a giant. My giant was a new song with new notes. This meant that I could no longer keep my fingers on the same five keys I had been using so confidently. Now, I had to stretch, both physically and mentally. Physically, my fingers had to reach keys that were unfamiliar to me. Mentally, I had to admit I wasn't as slick as I thought I was. I had so much more to learn. Sometimes I feel like that on a spiritual level. I am comfortable where I am and think I've got things pretty much under control. And then God thinks it's time to learn a new song. That humbles me but also makes me feel the discomfort of the upcoming stretch I'll have to make. Discomfort may seem like a bad thing, but when it involves God, it usually isn't. It builds trust. It makes me see that I am human, and God is way bigger than my circumstances. He will help me reach those places that don't feel familiar, and he will guide me along the way, taking me where he intends for me to go. Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant. Psalm 25:8-10
I’ve gotten into two fights in my life. I know, hard to believe. But I can remember them clearly. One was with Cathy, who lived two doors down from my grandmother’s house. I was probably around 8 or 9 years old. Cathy was mean and a thorn in my side. She was also the only other kid on the block who I could play with. I don’t know exactly how the fight started, but I can remember the final scene and how it all played out. I towered over her as she lay on the grass, pinned in a helpless position. She cried for mercy and I let her go. She flew home and that was the last time she bullied me. The other time was in sixth grade. I was friends with Rosie; at least I thought I was. She accused me of breaking her compass and told me that she was going to beat me up after school. I was shaking in my boots the rest of the school day. I wondered how I could avoid the ordeal. I wished I had someone that co...
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