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The beginning of Petals of Friendship

So what is Petals of Friendship?  

In 1997, I was still what I would consider a fairly new believer.  I had a thirst for God and wanted the important people in my life to know HIM, too. My desire to know God on a deeper level led me to read and learn.  I also had a great community of women around me who helped me grow in my new found faith.  Thinking back, we were all in different places in our journeys, but one thing rang true.  We loved the Lord and shared that love in our own unique ways. 

For me, it came through the creative process of writing.  And so, Petals of Friendship was what came from that.  I came across my original newsletter in some old papers I've kept and was surprised to see the date of my first newsletter.  The very first newsletter (top photo) was printed sometime around 1996, on a pin-feed printer.  I vaguely remember that first "edition".  I chuckled as I saw that  I added a crude hand drawn flower on it to decorate it, but I had to make it cute!  A new newsletter would come out each season or when I would be inspired.  I would  bring my original to the copy center and print the copies I would need. The second photo above shows a fancier version of Petals, produced when our computer software was upgraded.

I was scared.  I wasn't sure how people would respond to my newsletter.  But once I got over the fear, it became easier each time, so I continued to write with hopes that what I shared would inspire and encourage the reader.  And now, over 20 years later, I am still writing and putting it out there.  Still a little scared now and then, but I just push through the fear. I still feel the creative process wired within me, and I still share it to show how God works in my life. 

Each of us has a beautiful gift that is waiting to be used. I hope you have tapped into what God has poured into you so that you can use it to point others to HIS amazing creativity.  If you have not found that gift, treat yourself to some quiet, reflective moments where you will sense God's presence in your life.  

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.  1 Peter 4:10

Lord, help me to use the gift you have given me.  Not for my own glory, but for yours alone.

The first Petals


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