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God shows up in the most unlikely places

It is a mystery.  My husband held his hand out and in it was a lovely sea shell.  He heard it land on the driveway from out of nowhere. We both wondered where it came from. Maybe a bird found it and dropped it in flight.  Or maybe the shell was caught up by the wind and happened to find its resting place near where Joe was working.  It was the last thing he expected to see.  The shell appeared delicate in structure, and it would seem the fall alone could have chipped it, but it didn’t. 

Researchers have learned that sea shells are formed with a strong and resilient design structure.  This design endures the stress of their environment and allows fractures to appear where they would do the least harm to the organism inside.  It’s all about protection.  Isn’t that amazing?  What a great picture of how God uses His strength and resilience in our circumstances.  How He takes on the stresses so we don’t “break”. 

God has shown up this way in my life many, many times.  As I reflect on some messy seasons, it seemed like there was no end to the turmoil and frustration of the circumstances.  But somehow, God dropped bits of beauty in the most unlikely moments.  Some, I recognized immediately, and others took a while for me to see.  All in all, God’s small bits, broke through some difficult emotions.  Emotions that could have taken my eyes off of His goodness.  Thankfully, that did not happen.  The circumstances didn’t break me. Instead, because of HIS faithfulness, mixed with the little perseverance I had, God broke through. Yes, we are human. And we may be fragile as well, but if we remember how faithful God is to us, we can stand firm in knowing He will be with us at all times bearing the stresses of life. Always look for the little “bits” in the unlikely places.

                 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.  The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.  Do not forsake the work of your hands.  Psalm 138:7-8


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