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What? You don't have a mission statement?

Purpose.  It’s a word we hear and we can either run to it, or run from it.  If you are drawn to it, then maybe this post is for you.  If you are already thinking this isn’t for you.  Give it a chance.  If anything, you might find a piece of your heart.

So, I’m really not going to talk about purpose so much as I am going to talk about the foundation underneath it.  And while we have heard the word purpose a lot, we may not have heard the idea of crafting a personal mission statement.

Businesses have them, typically.  But in real life, who really has one and does it resonate the truth of who you are?  I am not suggesting that this becomes a self-serving exercise.  It’s actually the opposite.

There is a nudge or stirring in each of us, especially when we reach that midpoint in life that adjusts our focus to look forward to our "second half".  Some people think it's retirement.  Or, maybe you haven't reach that midpoint in life.  That's okay.  The nudge is inside of you, too. 

Just a little note...God didn't design us with retirement in mind.  In any case, this stirring cannot be ignored.  It’s at our center, where the Holy Spirit is prompting us to listen to what God already deposited there, specifically and uniquely for us. 

Some refer to it as a calling, or it could be defined as a special skill or skills that only you are good at.  Whatever it is called, you can be assured that it is a gift from God.  If you don’t have an idea of what your giftings are, I urge you to quiet the voices of doubt (yes, there may be many) or and spend some quiet time with the Lord to learn what your gifts are.  That is the beginning.  A word of caution...those voices will be loud, and you must call them out and throw them out!

By the way, there are many spiritual assessment questionnaires available that can prompt and help you to discover your gifts.  Completing one is a good beginning to help you launch the process of crafting your statement.  You can also ask trusted people in your life to identify your strengths. 

So, what is a personal mission statement?  It is a series of simple statements that describe how your unique strengths and giftings can impact others.  The key question is: how will you serve through your gifts?  

Where does this thought come from?  It comes from the life of Christ.  Jesus served with love and without expecting anything back.  This is to be our way, and your mission statement can be inspired by embracing this attitude.  To serve as Christ served.

What will a mission statement do for you, personally? 

·       Your mission statement will validate your gifts. In this, you will display what God already sees.  Writing down your gifts will bring clarity to who you are and will bring definition to what God has already deposited into your heart. 

Your mission statement will give you direction on what you will and will not do in life.  Don’t we sometimes say yes to things we probably shouldn’t?  When you are clear in your giftings, and know how and when to use them, it becomes simple to know what path to stay on.  There won’t be a need to feed your ego, which will take you on a path that only leads to your “self”.

·        Your personal mission statement will not only be an inspiration to yourself, but it will inspire others as they see you working through the gifts God gave you.  So, it will point others to your Creator, and that’s the whole point.  Your light will shine because it will be showing others that you live for a big God, who loves you and uses you perfectly through your imperfections.  Yes, that is right.  We are imperfect, and He still uses us!

So, here's some homework.  Set aside some quiet time.  Prepare your heart to be open to hear God's voice. List your top strengths and areas of gifting God gave you. In my next post, I’ll set the framework of how to craft your personal mission statement. 

Blessings to you in the journey!


Seeing God’s thumbprint on your life is a realization of an indelible mark that can never be removed and can always be referenced, giving you confidence in your identity in HIM. 

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.  As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:8-11


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