Happy New Year, mighty woman of God.
A friend sent me this text message and it took my breath
away. I don’t think she had any idea of
the impact of her words. Big words that
swept through my heart and mind making me shrink and soar at the same
time. Shrinking at the thought of how far-fetched it sounded, soaring at the possibility of it. Refusing it and embracing it. I could wrestle with that forever.
I locked the message in my phone so I wouldn't inadvertently delete it. This message was special
because of one powerful thing. Encouragement. It held a
blessing in it that covered my soul with something simple, yet extraordinary. A virtual tattoo that brought life to my heart.
Words of encouragement are sometimes easy to miss. I could have deleted that message in a
flash. I could have simply dismissed it
as a nice comment and gone about my business.
But there was something in those words.
Something good and divinely impactful. Words so beautiful, that gave me hope to think and believe that maybe I am a mighty woman of God. Impactful because even if I didn’t completely embrace that I was a mighty woman of God,
she did. And this is so important
because I’ve learned that words can either bring life or death to our spirits. There is so much power in our words.
I've been able to recall my friend’s message repeatedly
since the day she sent it. In those moments, I embrace her words and
allow them to marinate my mind and rest in my soul. That is
powerful, and as the season of Lent approaches, perhaps for me, I can
focus more intentionally on the words I use. Praying they could be
transformational and filled with life-giving encouragement. Powerful
to others as well as myself.
I can be a Mighty Woman of God.
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29
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