It's been two weeks now. I've missed two lessons in a row. My instructor Liz and I live very busy lives, and while I understand this, I long for my next lesson. Each lesson pushes me forward, equipping me to become better. So, for the past two weeks I have been practicing my lessons, but I am a little stuck. I am having trouble with something new she taught me. I can't progress until I see her again and I can't wait to see her so I can move forward! I want to move to the next level. This is true with anything in life, but most importantly with my time in scripture. It is during this time that I can grow in the Lord and become equipped for the next "thing". I am reminded how important it is to make the time to learn, otherwise I can become stagnant. When I miss my time with the Lord, I feel the loss. So once again,I am convicted on my need to apply my diligence to my spiritual life. "...train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come..." I Timothy 4:7-8 (NIV)
I’ve gotten into two fights in my life. I know, hard to believe. But I can remember them clearly. One was with Cathy, who lived two doors down from my grandmother’s house. I was probably around 8 or 9 years old. Cathy was mean and a thorn in my side. She was also the only other kid on the block who I could play with. I don’t know exactly how the fight started, but I can remember the final scene and how it all played out. I towered over her as she lay on the grass, pinned in a helpless position. She cried for mercy and I let her go. She flew home and that was the last time she bullied me. The other time was in sixth grade. I was friends with Rosie; at least I thought I was. She accused me of breaking her compass and told me that she was going to beat me up after school. I was shaking in my boots the rest of the school day. I wondered how I could avoid the ordeal. I wished I had someone that co...
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