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Facing the Elements

My husband has a knack for finding used exotic cars.  Head turning cars priced to where the average Joe can afford them.  And he’s done this a few times.  One of those cars was a beautiful Jaguar.  It was luxury beyond what I’ve ever sat in and we enjoyed that car for many years.  He appreciated it because of its fine qualities and features.  Everything about that car was top notch, inside and out.  He knew every aspect of the car and meticulously cared for it, especially its signature British Racing Green paint job.  Over time, the elements started to invade the paint and caused it to breakdown and fail.  It began to fade and discolor in areas and the luster of the paint was completely missing in many spots.  The only thing that would truly help “fix” the erosion was a restoration.  The car really wasn’t worth putting that kind of money into it.  Reluctantly, he sold it. 

We can be affected by so many things in our lives.  We are a one of a kind creation that comes into the world ready to shine.  Along the way, though, the elements take their toll on us.  Words, people, emotions we feel, experiences we encounter.  The list goes on and on.  All these things affect us, affect the brilliance of who we are.   Some of us are resilient and can weather out so much of the things that come against us.  Thankfully, our creator-designer, God knows everything about us.  He knows how to care for us, meticulously.  And instead of giving up on us, He has made a way for us to be restored.  To have a way for our luster to shine again.  That restoration comes through his son, Jesus.  Through Christ we can bring those parts of our lives that have been dulled by what the world throws our way.  Through Christ we can have joy and we can walk with our heads held high.  Through Christ, we can fully know our identity.  It is in this restoration and realization that we can share the hope we have found.  To pour kindness and compassion on others.  Maybe we can have a hand in helping others find their luster by pointing them to the one who created the world.  The one we call Love.

And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him.  2 Corinthians 5:18


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