To be seen by God “Do I believe in God? Yes! When I am at work I feel like I am assisted by someone who leads me to do things that are greater than myself, greater than what I have done before.” Henri Matisse Close to the end of his artistic career, Matisse embarked on creating “The Chapelle du Rosaire de Vence” (Chapel of the Rosary), a chapel in France. He considered it the most significant work of his career, and perhaps one could say that something outside himself caused him to create this masterpiece. As I read his thoughts, I am certain there was something more to why he created art of any kind. On the outside, his long-standing friendship with Monique Bourgeois, who he met as a young nurse, engaged and motivated him to take on this work. Their friendship developed over time and lasted for years. They remained friends as she became a Dominican nun, and his work took on life and breath when he began designing the chapel. But was it...
Our friendships are never coincidental. They are formed by God, through his love and his knowing exactly what we need, at just the right time. Every friendship is like a petal on a flower. It plays an important role in completing a beautiful picture. Friends are the "petals" that make our lives beautiful. They are the people who bring joy and color to our lives. Allow God to work in you and through you, knowing you are a special "petal" in someone's life.